PowerPoint Presentation

The Creolization of Science, Computing & Artificial Intelligence in the Eastern Caribbean

Curtis Charles, PHD., M.S.P.A., S.M.ARCH.S., B.ARCH. Director of Academic Affairs The University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus Antigua and Barbuda e-mail: Curtis.charles@UWI.edu



As the 4 th Industrial Revolution unfolds …

Source: Microsoft Research

What will the future look like for UWIFIC Digital Learners

& the Eastern Caribbean Region

The 4 th Industrial Revelation requires us to Educate @ Scale

Convergence of IT/OT o Autonomous machines o Advanced robotics o Big Data Analytics o Internet of Things o Digital ubiquity/Cloud o Smart factory Machine learning & AI o Cyber Physical Systems

Source: https://www.i-scoop.eu/industry-4-0/ (3/20/2021}

Re-imagining The Creolization of Science, Computing & Artificial Intelligence capacity building to address the wicked 4IR challenges facing the Eastern Caribbean. C URTIS C HARLES , P H D.,M.S.P.A., S.M.A RCH .S., B.A RCH . DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES FIVE ISLANDS CAMPUS ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA E-MAIL: CURTIS.CHARLES@UWI.EDU

Reimagining Science, Computing and Artificial Intelligence Teaching & Learning Welcome to the ourth Industrial Revolution Educating Everyone @ Scale • With the School for Science, Computing & Artificial Intelligence, the Five Islands Campus has the opportunity to train a new generation of edge-technology entrepreneurs who would be equipped to breathe life into realizing the Silicon Islands of the Caribbean . • The School for Science, Computing and Artificial Intelligence would be designed to be agile in order to take advantage of the pace and scope of groundbreaking scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Robotics, Cybersecurity, FinTech, Cyberinfrastructure Protection Systems, Biotechnology, Clean Energy and Biometrics through education, and research through COGNITIVE. • Building the future of work would require new master builders - but they cannot be trained with legacy pedagogies, in siloed disciplines.

Re-imagining the Creolization of Science, Computing & Artificial Intelligence capacity building to address the wicked challenges facing the Eastern Caribbean.

Born Digital

Regional Alignment

As the AI engine tracks and analyze the real-time learning behaviors and patterns of user interactions, the resulting deep actionable insight into each digital learner of the School for Science, Computing and Artificial Intelligence is used to improve the platform’s algorithms, which improves the network effects of the platform, that results in increased platform value that would subsequently attract more new users - making it more valuable to every other existing user - exponentially increasing the worth and growth of the School for Science, Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

The School for Science, Computing & Artificial Intelligence

COGNITIVE Research Focus Areas

• Throughout the Eastern Caribbean, governments, industry, organizations and researchers are confronted with unprecedented challenges addressing climate variability, change and adaptation; sustainability; catastrophic natural disasters; threats to biodiversity; skills modernization; feeding a growing population; water quality, biotechnology, clean energy, the blue economy and ocean governance. • The School of Science, Computing and Artificial Intelligence and COGNITIVE (The Science & Technology Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Economic Development) would serve as the region’s “ Artificial Intelligence Nerve-center” to support research conducted throughout the region and develop sustainable AI solutions.

AI for Health AI for Climate AI for FinTech

AI for Earth Partners AI for Sustainability AI Development Tools AI for Agriculture (MS) AI for National Security

AI for Biodiversity AI for Earth Grants AI for Accessibility AI for Water Quality

AI for Good Technical Resources AI for Catastrophic Natural Disasters & Humanitarian Action

Reimagine the human ingenuity of the Region’s Agriculture Industry in an age of AI

Reimagine the human ingenuity of the Region’s Agriculture Industry in an era of AI & the 4IR

The world’s food production has to be increased by 70%, in order to feed everyone by the year 2050 (twenty-nine years from now) Small Farmers Constitutes 70% of the World’s Poor, and yet produce 70% of the World’s Food.

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