Lika Sasaki - The 2020 Biotrade Principles
The 2020 BioTrade principles and the new self- assessment tool
Lika Sasaki, Programme Officer, UNCTAD 15 April, 2021
What is UNCTAD?
Sales from BT companies / associations Euro 5.15 billion (2019)
Currently implemented in 80+ countries Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe
195 member States
Created in 1964 Part of UN Secretariat
What is BioTrade?
BioTrade is the commercialization of goods and services derived from biodiversity that that adhere to a set of sustainability guidelines
BioTrade Principles and Criteria
What is BioTrade P&C?
BioTrade Principles
Principle 1: Conservation of Biodiversity
Principle 2: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Principle 3: Fair and Equitable Sharing
Principle 4: Socio- Economic Sustainability
Download the publication here
Principle 5: Legal Compliance
Principle 6: Respect for the rights of actors
Principle 7: Clarity on right to use and access to natural resources
What makes the P&C so unique?
1. Puts importance not only to mitigate biodiversity loss but how to become more biodiversity resilient
2. Based on experiences on the ground
3. Applicable across different areas contexts, and sectors.
4. Aligns with global policy developments and international agreements
What the P&C for businesses?
BioTrade Sectors
• Incorporating the P&C can help give businesses a competitive edge
• The P&C provides a guideline for businesses to become not only more biodiversity friendly, but become more resilient • It can be adapted to national circumstances and support companies that comply with national regulations
• Can be implemented in a variety of sectors
Introduction to the BioTrade Self-Assessment Tool
Developed by ITC and UNCTAD under the framework of the Global BioTrade Programme, financed by SECO.
How the self-assessment is organized
Access page
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Get your results
Upon completion of the self- assessment, users obtain a sustainability diagnostic report covering different sustainability areas
Review your results
One the Self-Assessment is completed, it is saved in your dashboard. You can review, edit, and download your results.
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