ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report
ECCB C hildren ’ s C onnection R adio P rogramme The ECCB continued to reach and teach children across the currency union through the ECCB Children’s Connection radio programme, which debuted in 2021. The programme targets children ages of five to 12 and is designed to help increase their understanding of everyday financial and economic issues. It also supports their overall personal development. However, adults are part of the listening audience and continue to laud the programme. The 30-minute programme is aired monthly on radio stations in each ECCB member country. The hosts, along with a youthful co-hosts, take listeners through a principal lesson, a value lesson
component and a learning and retention segment; children are given the opportunity to call-in and answer questions based on the principal lesson. Winners receive prizes and their photos are posted on the ECCB’s Facebook page.
The topics covered during the year included: Globalisation, Investing, and Spending Money Wisely.
ECCB Connects: Who We Are. What We Do. How We Serve You.
The ECCB continued to engage and reach the people of the ECCU and the world, through its award-winning communication initiative, ECCB Connects . The programme is a public education series produced by the Bank to provide the public with insight into the role and functions of the ECCB, and offer information about financial and economic issues. The programme first aired in April 2016 and to date 318 episodes have been released. Over the financial year, 37 new episodes were produced over three seasons. The programmes are produced in three-month seasons throughout the year, with new episodes released weekly via the ECCB’s social media platforms and on select television stations across the ECCU. The Bank has garnered a following of over 23,000 across its social media platforms, which include Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and X.
Some of the topics covered during the year were: ; Opening and Managing a Bank Account ; Credit Reporting in the ECCU
; Creating, Managing and Protecting Your Wealth ; Improving the Ease of Opening a Bank Account; and ; Good Financial Behaviour
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