ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report
ECCB Supports Innovation in Science and Engineering
of living of the people by stimulating more technology based entrepreneurship within the region. The programme also aims
The ECCB has from 2016, provided sponsorship for 15 students from the ECCB member countries to benefit from the Student Programme for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE). The Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF) administers the SPISE programme, which is one of its initiatives offered to Caribbean high-school students, aged 16 to 18, who are gifted in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and are interested in studying and exploring careers in these disciplines. According to the CSF, SPISE is an intensive five- week residential summer programme, and is a clone of the MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science (MITES). The long-term goal of the SPISE programme is to help diversify the economies of the Caribbean region and raise the standard 2023 ECCB Student Programme for Innovation in Science and Engineering Scholarship Recipients: L-R: Rakeem McFarlane - Grenada; Halei Douglas - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
to increase the low numbers of Caribbean students pursuing advanced degrees in science and engineering. The ECCB-sponsored students for the 2023 cohort of the SPISE programme were: Halei Douglas, a student of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Community College and Rakeem McFarlane, who attends the TA Marryshow Community College in Grenada.
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