ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
T he ECCB hosted the Inaugural ECCB Retirees’ Day on 1 October 2017 in honour of its retirees. The day commenced with the retirees attending the Bank’s anniversary church service at the Zion Moravian Church, Basseterre, St Kitts. Followingtheservice,theretireesandthemanagement of the Bank came together for a celebratory luncheon. Forty-five of the Bank’s 63 living retirees attended the luncheon which allowed them to reunite with former colleagues they had not seen in many years. The luncheon was a rich blend of laughter and fond
Inaugural ECCB Retirees’ Day
memories. Jean Thomas rendered one of her famous calypsoes which chronicles life and work at the ECCB. Former employee, Dawn Mills, who served as master of ceremonies, also took the retirees on a trip down memorylaneassherecountedsomeofthememorable events which took place at the ECCB over the years. The Retirees Recognition Committee, chaired by the Deputy Governor, Trevor Brathwaite, has implemented a number of initiatives to demonstrate the Bank’s appreciation for its retirees who served the people of the region over the years.
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