ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
A s part of its thrust to engage regional stakeholders towards the advancement of the economies of its member countries, the ECCB hosted a Forum on Investment Policy for senior officials in the ECCU Social Security Systems on 8 March 2018. The theme of the forumwas: “Protecting andGrowing the Investment Portfolio”. The main purpose of the forum was to address the challenges Social Security Boards faceand todiscussways tomitigate risk, ensure thesafetyof the fundsandgrowinvestment portfolios. Participants and presenters included delegates from Social Security Boards in the eight ECCB member countries. Other presenters inlcuded: Gabriella Barschdorff, Managing Director, Clients
Protecting and Growing the Investment Portfolio of ECCU Social Security Systems
Solutions - BlackRock Financial Management Inc; Reginald Thomas, Director, Inter-American Centre for Social Security Studies; Derek Osborne, Partner and Senior Actuary, Morneau Shepell and Andrew Brathwaite, of the accounting firm, KPMG. Topics covered included: Synopsisof Challenges Facing Social Security Systems; Assessment of the Long Term Viability of the Social Security Systems in the ECCU; Strengthening the Framework for the Establishment of Investment Policies and an International Portfolio; and The Implicationof IFRS 9on Investment Portfolios. The key output of the forum was the preparation of an Action Plan to address the investment challenges the ECCU Social Security Systems encounter.
View Governor Antoine’s address delivered at the forum
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