The Office of Corporate Strategy and Risk Management (OCSRM)
The Bank has adopted the ‘3 Lines of Defence” model for the management of risks across the organization, and the OCSRM is responsible for the activities within the second line of Defence. The four (4) core functional areas of the OCSRM are as follows: operational risk management, business continuity management, strategic risk management and compliance.
In this model, the OCSRM: Reviews and Challenge the work of the 1st Line of Defence Oversees the Bank’s risk profile and appetite Develops risk management and compliance frameworks Performs independent reporting and escalation of risk events and emerging/potential risk events Provides specialist advice and training on risk related matters Manages the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Process
Chief Risk Officer : Ms Sharmyn Powell Telephone Extensions : 3112/3950 Email : ocsrm@eccb‐central‐bank.org
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