2019-2020 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
29 May 2019 The new family of EC Polymer Notes was launched during an official ceremony in Grenada. Chairman of the ECCB Monetary Council, Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance for Grenada and Governor of the ECCB, Timothy N. J. Antoine were the key speakers. The new $50 was the first in the series to be released. It features a portrait of the former Governor of the ECCB, the late Honourable Sir K Dwight Venner. The Chairman of the Monetary Council presented an encapsulated $50 note to the wife of the late Governor, Lady Lynda, during the ceremony. 15 June 2019 The ECCB, in collaboration with the OECS Commission, the Caribbean Netball Association and the SaintVincentandtheGrenadinesNetballAssociation,hostedtheinauguralOECS/ECCBInternational Netball Series inSaintVincentandtheGrenadines.FiveteamsfromacrosstheOECScompetedinthe tournament held from 15-21 June. Team Grenada captured the Gloria Ballantyne Championship Trophy. The Series replaced the OECS/ECCB Under-23 Netball tournament, which the ECCB sponsored from 1991-2018. 23 July 2019 The Bank launched the Eastern Caribbean CurrencyUnion (ECCU) Public Debt andMarket Information WebPortal, thenewsourceofaccurateandtimelymarket and investor information for ECCBMember Governments. The portal was developed in collaboration with the Member Governments and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and was one of the deliverables of the ECCB Strategic Plan 2017-2021. 7 September 2019 The face of the ECCU banking system changed with the ECCB’s approval of the application for the transfer of the assets and liabilities of the Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) to the Republic Financial Holding Limited (RFHL) in Anguilla, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, pursuant to Section 43 of the Banking Act 2015. Approval of the application was granted in consultation with the ECCB Monetary Council.
Governor, ECCB, Timothy N. J. Antoine (right) presents encapsulated $50 Polymer note to ECCB Monetary Council Chairman, Dr The Right Honourable Keith Mitchell at official launch of family of EC polymer notes
Highlights of the Year
Chairman, ECCB Monetary Council, Dr The Right Honourable Keith Mitchell presents encapsulated $50 polymer note to Lady Lynda, wife of the former Governor of the ECCB, the late Honourable Sir K Dwight Venner
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