2019-2020 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Country Managers
Shirmaine Lynch-Harrigan
Linda Felix-Berkeley ECCB Agency Office St Matthew and Monckton Streets St George’s GRENADA
ECCB Agency Office P O Box 1385
Telephone: 264 497 5050 Facsimile: 264 497 5150 E-mail: eccbaxa@eccb-centralbank.org
Telephone: 473 440 3016 Facsimile: 473 440 6721 E-mail: eccbgnd@eccb-centralbank.org
Albert Lockhart
Angela Estwick ECCB Agency Office P O Box 484 2 Farara Plaza Brades MONTSERRAT
Elritha Miguel ECCB Agency Office P O Box 839 Frenches House Frenches Kingstown ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
Agency Offices As at 31 March 2020
ECCB Agency Office P O Box 741 Sagicor Financial Centre Factory Road St John’s ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
Telephone: 664 491 6877 Facsimile: 664 491 6878 E-mail: eccbmni@eccb-centralbank.org
Telephone: 268 462 2489 Facsimile: 268 462 2490 E-mail: eccbanu@eccb-centralbank.org
Telephone: 784 456 1413 Facsimile: 784 456 1412 E-mail: eccbsvd@eccb-centralbank.org
Beverly Henry-Felix (Temporary)
Sherma John ECCB Agency Office P O Box 23 3 rd Floor Financial Centre Kennedy Avenue Roseau COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA
ECCB Agency Office P O Box 295 Ground Floor Financial Administrative Centre Point Seraphine Castries, LC04 101 SAINT LUCIA
Telephone: 767 448 8001 Facsimile: 767 448 8002 E-mail: eccbdom@eccb-centralbank.org
Telephone: 758 452 7449 Facsimile: 758 453 6022 E-mail: eccbslu@eccb-centralbank.org
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