ECCB 2015/2016 Annual Report


C orporate R elations The Bank will:

conducted with a view to release more detailed information on the BPM6 series to the public; •  • Update the commercial banks’ prudential returns to incorporate the requirements of the New Banking Act and the BASEL II capital adequacy framework; •  • Launch the publication of the Financial Soundness Indicators; •  • Conduct training on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Arrangements; •  • Conduct training on the CS-DRMS Version 2.0 for users; •  • Conduct in-country MTDS training and technical assistance; •  • Provide technical assistance on DSAs and Debt Portfolio Reviews (DPR); •  • Conduct the second round Debt Management Performance Assessments (DeMPA); •  • Work on International Capital Markets; •  • Continue the attachment Programme for ECCU and ECCB officers; and •  • Publish the inaugural Regional Debt Newsletter.

•  • Expand networks, deepen collaborative partners and develop stakeholder relationships though training and the development of initiatives; •  • Augment capacity building among teachers, financial institutions and the media through Train the Trainers workshops focusing on economic, financial and business issues; and •  • Continue its public education programme with the schools through its primary school mentorship programme and secondary schools initiatives.


The Accounting Department will: •  • Place emphasis on improving operating efficiency in an effort to contain expenditure; •  • Focus its efforts on improving the Bank’s accounting framework and controls environment, thereby ensuring financial results are reported fairly in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards; and •  • Institute and ensure policies and procedures improve efficiencies in operations.


C onferences and S eminars The Bank will host the following conferences: •  • 21 st Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture on 9 November 2016; •  • 27 th Annual Commercial Banks Conference over the period 10 -11 November 2016; and •  • OECS Essay Competition Regional Discussion


R isk M anagement The operations of the IAD will be adjusted to a full assurance arrangement. The compliance monitoring for reserve management and the risk management


ECCB A nnual R eport 2015/2016

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