ECCB 2015/2016 Annual Report

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2016 (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) 8. Available-for-sale investment securities …continued Gains less losses from investment securities comprise: astern aribbean entral ank Notes to Financial Statements arch 31, 2016 (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) 8. Available-for-sale invest ent securities continued Gains less losses fro investment securities co prise: EASTERN CARIBBEAN CENTRAL BANK (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) 8. Available-for-sale investment securities … continued ains less losses from invest ent securities comprise:


March 31, 2016

2016 $

2015 $

2016 $

2015 $

Net realised gains (losses) from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets et realised gains (losses) fro disposal of available-for-sale financial assets

7,570,215 7,570,215

3,314,912 3,314,912

9. Loans and receivables: Participating governments’ securities a) P articipating governments’ securities: Debentures Nominal value 2016 $ . s i l s: rtici ti gover e ts’ securities ) ti i ti ts’ s c rities: Debent res i al al e 16 $ s receivables: Participating nm nt s iti a) Participating governments’ securities: Debentures


Amortised cost 2016 $ ortised cost 2016 $

Nominal value 2015 $ No inal value 2015 $

Amortised cost 2015 $ Amortised cost 2015 $

Government of Antigua and Barbuda 9% Debentures maturing 2018

3,430,314 3,430,314


2,572,736 , ,

2,572,736 2,572,736


3.5% Debenture maturing 2027

80,045,217 80,045,217 80,045,217 80,045,217

75,077,485 75,077,485 75,07 ,485 , ,

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis 5% Debentures maturing 2016

3,740,000 3,740,0



87,215,531 87,215,531 87,215,531 87,215,531

77,650,221 77,650,221 , , 77,650,2 1

3,1 4,535

1,828,990 1,828,9 0

Interest receivable


Total participating governments’ securities: Debentures

87,215,531 90,330,066 87,215,531 90,3 0,06

77,650,221 79,479,211 79,479,21 , ,

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda 15 year 3.5% treasury bond maturing in 2027 arose as a result of the liquidity support extended to Bank of Antigua Limited under emergency powers exercised by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on February 20, 2009. Th Go nm t f ntigua and Barbuda 15 year 3. treasury bond maturing in 2027 arose as a result of the liquidity t t t f ti a imited under e ergency powers exercised by the East rn ri tr l r ry 2 , 009. The overn ent of ntigua and Barbuda 15 year 3.5 treasury bond maturing in 2027 arose as a result f t e li i it s rt e tended to ank of ntigua Limited under emergency powers exercised by the ter a ibbe tral ank on February 20, 2 09.


ECCB A nnual R eport 2015/2016



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