Working Paper Series: Special Edition of 2016 to 2018 Interns
Foreign Investment Advisory Service, 2004. Grenada A Diagonistic Review of the Investment Climate, s.l.: s.n. FSD Kenya, 2015. FINACESS BUSINESS SUPPLY-Bank Financing of SMES in Kenya, s.l.: s.n. Galindo, A. & Miller, M., 2001. Can Credit Registries Reduce Credit Constraints? Empirical Evidence on the Role of Credit Registeries in Firm Investment Decisions, s.l.: Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department. Greene, W. H., 2002. Econometric Analysis Fifth Edition. New York: Prentice Hall. Holden, P. & Howell, H., 2009. Enghancing Access to Finance in the Caribbean. Holton, S., Lawless, M. & Mc Cann, F., 2012. Credit Demand and Supply Conditions a Tale of Three Crises. s.l., Central Bank of Ireland. Hubbard, R., 1997. Capital Market Imperfections and Investment. National Bureau of Economic research. International Labour Office, 2015. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Decent and Productive Employment Creation. Geneva, ILO. Jack, J. & Samuel, W., 2013. The Economic, Social and Political Setting. In: The Eastern Caribbean Macroeconomic and Currency Union Macroeconomic and Financial Systems. s.l.:s.n. Jenkins, H. & Hussain, M., 2014. An Analysis of the Macroeconomic Conditions Required for SME Lending: The Case of Turkey. Research papers in Economics, pp. 22-23. Jentzsch, N. & Rientra, A. S., 2003. Information Sharing and Its Implications for Consumer Credit Markets: United States vs. Europe. s.l., s.n. Kira, A. R., 2013. Determinants of Financing Constraints in East African Countries' SMEs. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.8(No.8). Kiss, G., Marton, N. & Vonnak, B., 2006. Credit Growth in Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence or Boom. Magyar Nemzeti Bank Working Papers. Klapper, L., 2005. The Role of Factoring for Financing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, s.l.: The World Bank. La Porta, R., Shleife, A., Lopez-de-Slianes, F. & Vishny, R. W., 1997. Legal Determinants of External Finance. National Bureau of Economic Research. Malhotra, M. et al., 2006. Expanding Access to Finance: Good Practices and Policies for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, s.l.: World Bank .
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