Working Paper Series: Special Edition of 2016 to 2018 Interns
The second dependent variable “demand for credit” is based on the question “In the last fiscal year, did this establishment apply for a loan or line of credit”. This variable also is expressed in binary form where 1= yes and 0 if otherwise. For the industry variable covers two principle sector; manufacturing and services. This was constructed from the survey, it is noted that there were (18) eighteen 4 industries in each sector. As such as all industries were collapsed into two broad categories manufacturing and services. This variable is expressed in categorical format. The PROTEqIN survey describes size of a firm as follows: Small (< 20employees), Medium (20- 100) employees and (Large > 100 employees). In light of this, the number of full time employees at the end of last fiscal year located in section I of the survey was used as the basis to determine the size of the firms. This variable is also expressed in categorical format. For legal status of the firm the variable legal is another categorical variable. It comes from section B of the survey and comprises if six legal types of registration. Shareholding with traded and shareholding with non-traded shares were grouped together and limited partnership and partnership were grouped together. The other category was omitted, thus reducing Legal to three categories: shareholding, sole-proprietorship and partnership. For ownership of the firm the variable foreign is based on the percentage of ownership by foreign firms where those firms that are 1.0 per cent or more foreign owned are represented by a dummy variable. For the variable technical , it has to do with whether the firm is receiving any benefit from technical assistance programs. It comes from section M of the survey and is a simple yes and no question. The variable is in binary form where 1 = yes, 0 if otherwise.
4 Manufacturing covered the sectors Food, textiles, Garments, Chemicals, Plastics & Rubber, Non-Metallic Mineral Products, Basic Metals, Fabricated Metal Products, Machinery and Equipment, Electronics and Other Manufacturing. The sectors services were Retail, Wholesale, Information technology, Hotels and Restaurants, Services of Motor vehicles, Construction and Transport.
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