Working Paper Series: Special Edition of 2016 to 2018 Interns
Table 2. Panel Unit Root Test for Stationarity
PANEL A: Im-Pesaran-Shin Unit Root Test (IPS) For Full Annualized Data Variables Stationarity of Variables in Levels for full annual data t-statistics Inference Log per capita GDP -0.8840 Non-stationary Inflation -3.6300 Stationary Remittances -2.0938 Stationary Log openness -1.8755 Stationary fb -2.0249 Stationary Foreign direct investment -2.5882 Stationary Log final private consumption -1.8403 Stationary Population growth -3.0130 Stationary First difference of log per capita GDP -2.9325 Stationary Critical values: (-1.820: 1%, -1.730: 5%, -1.690: 10%)
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