The Medicinal Cannabis (R)evolution
The requirements for obtaining a licence and the distinction between different types of licences are important ways of tracking activities and developing standards based on these activities. The legislation will be operationalised in such a way that allows the Authority to track each licence and, therefore, track individual revenue streams from the industry. This information can also be useful if financial institutions are required to ring-fence the funds related to the industry. 5.3 The Cannabis Legislation – Antigua and Barbuda 22 The Cannabis Act No. 28 of 2018 of Antigua and Barbuda is arranged in two divisions. Division I outlines cannabis use for sacramental and religious purposes, and Division II deals with medicinal cannabis. Under Division I the supply, possession or use of cannabis for sacramental and religious purposes requires authorization by applying to the Minister of Government responsible for justice and legal affairs. The application is required for the cultivation, sacramental dispensary or to have a place of worship be an authorised place of worship for religious purposes. A person, organization of persons or religious group trying to use cannabis for religious purposes will therefore require authorization at least four times, one for cultivation, one for transportation, one for sacramental dispensary and one for the place of worship Division II, section 14 outlines several functions for the Medicinal Cannabis Authority such as; enforcing policy; charging fees for services; reviewing, investigating and approving or denying applications for licences; tracking and monitoring the medicinal cannabis industry; facilitate scientific research; enforce proper labelling of medicinal cannabis containers, among other things. Noteworthy is that Antigua and Barbuda, under section 45, gives authorised medical professionals the authority to prescribe or recommend medicinal cannabis. As at May 2019, Antigua and Barbuda had not issued Regulations regarding the Act. By not issuing regulations simultaneously with the Act, the operationalisation of the framework set out in the Act for medicinal cannabis may be delayed, thereby inhibiting the benefits of this new industry.
22 The Cannabis Act No. 28 of 2018 of Antigua and Barbuda
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