The Medicinal Cannabis (R)evolution
With this in mind, the legalisation of cannabis falls within the sovereign right of a jurisdiction and where a country has taken the decision to pursue this, the convention outlines the conditions for the cultivation of the cannabis plant as identified above. This section explores the legislation governing medicinal cannabis and the framework for the safe and efficacious administration of the medicinal cannabis industry. The legislation of Antigua and Barbuda, St Christopher and Nevis and St Vincent and the Grenadines will therefore be explored. 5.1 The Medicinal Cannabis Industry Legislation – St Vincent and the Grenadines 15 The Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act No. 28 of 2018 of St Vincent and the Grenadines is arranged in ten parts. The Preamble outlines the rationale of the Act and clearly sets out the policy position being implemented. The purpose is to state the objective of the Act as intended by Parliament, which is: “To provide for the establishment of a Medicinal Cannabis Industry to regulate cultivation, supply, possession, production and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes; that is, for the treatment of persons with qualifying medical conditions; to provide for the establishment of the Medicinal Cannabis Authority and the Medicinal Cannabis Advisory Council; and for matters and purposes incidental thereto”. 16 While the reason and purpose of the Act are some important elements, who the Act will affect is equally important. Part I sets out the short title, the interpretation clause and of utmost importance the Objects of the Act. It is noteworthy that the Objects of the Act outline the persons affected by the Act and state that: “The objects of the Act are to establish a Medicinal Cannabis Industry to provide for the lawful access to medicinal cannabis as an alternative treatment for persons who are suffering from a qualifying medicinal condition and to provide for a comprehensive licensing scheme to regulate the cultivation, supply, possession, production and use of medicinal cannabis”. 17
15 Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act No 28 of 2018, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 Ibid 17 Section 3 of the Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act No 28 of 2018, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
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