The Medicinal Cannabis (R)evolution


Figure 1: Qualifying Conditions Treated by Medicinal Cannabis

The budding industry is, however, not without its challenges. One of the challenges is the inability of stakeholders to trade and conduct commerce in countries where cannabis remains illegal, including the United States of America (USA), ostensibly the world’s largest market. Accordingly, as interest in the medicinal cannabis industry within the region continues to advance, it is critical that the region establishes an industry that is appropriate to its unique circumstances and developmental goals, while avoiding the potential associated risks. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) has acknowledged the growing interest and intention of ECCU member governments to legalise cannabis for medicinal purposes. Accordingly, the ECCB has commissioned this flagship document as an introductory report to the medicinal cannabis industry in the ECCU, aimed at encouraging discussions at the regional level which may help guide practical policy solutions. The report will explore the potential benefits of

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