Speakers - 8th Growth & Resilience Dialogue
Meet the Speaker
Date April 11-12 2024
Barbadian Dr. Annalee C. Babb is CEO of Intersections, a start-up cluster driver helping to accelerate Caribbean creativity and innovation. She explores these issues in her My Belonging podcast https://www.intersections.digital/mybelonging/ She previously held roles as Digital Transformation Sherpa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade, and the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy, Special Advisor, Ministry of Innovation, Science & Smart Technology, Government of Barbados. In the latter role she led the team developing COVID-19 public health emergency management tech solutions; was legislative co-Chair for Barbados' national digital ID/mobile ID; led on creation of a tech accelerator for digital public services; and chaired the Telecoms Working Group. She also chaired the Digital Transformation and Solutions Committee, Prime Minister’s Jobs and Investment Council. She was a member of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Board, co-lead organiser of UNCTAD 15’s Creative Industries Trade Digitisation and a member of the International Advisory Board of Oman’s Research Council.
Focus: Design Thinking - A creative approach to problem solving.
Creative Disruption and Innovation - Pathways for Transformative Change and Sustainable Growth
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