Presentations - 3rd Growth and Resilience Dialogue With Social Partners

Other Critical Issues to be Addressed

➢ Private operators expressed that in order to have an effective regional ferry system, government coordination

would be needed for both setting a consistent affordable price for port access and harmonize regulations among


➢ Governments’ Investments for upgrade ports to accommodate RoPax including necessary immigration, customs,

security and parking facilities.

➢ Competitive bidding process to select concessionaire – should be an experienced operator

➢ Governance arrangements across islands: Jointly commit to a regional ferry system and define governance

structure and regulatory framework beforehand

➢ Policy/regulatory reforms to improve efficiency of customs and immigration

➢ Regulation reform to facilitate vehicle movement between islands

➢ Regional growth strategy and development model, including the ferry-based tourism value chain

➢ Link the ferry to key value chains for the trade of goods and services


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