June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
June 2020 Economic and Financial Review DOMESTIC EONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS
Fiscal Developments
ECCU Exports of Bananas
'000 Tonnes/ EC$M
Preliminary data on the aggregated fiscal
operations of the central governments
indicate that an overall deficit of $290.1m
was generated, in contrast to a surplus of
$1.7m recorded in the prior year. The
18 Q1 18 Q2 18 Q3 18 Q4 19 Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 20 Q1 20 Q2
primary balance yielded a deficit of $63.8m
Volume Value
in contrast to a surplus of $243.8m in the
previous year. This dramatic reversal was
largely attributed to a deterioration in
Amid the synchronized decline in global
current revenue and masks important
economic activity and falling crude oil
differences across member countries.
prices, the ECCU experienced deflationary
Deficits were registered in all member
conditions. Consumer prices retreated by
countries with the exception of Grenada,
2.8 per cent in the first half of 2020,
where a marginal surplus was observed.
following a marginal growth of 0.2 per cent
Antigua and Barbuda and Commonwealth of
in the corresponding period one year earlier.
Dominica realized smaller deficits, while
The fall in the index reflected declines
larger deficits were observed in
across all member countries and across most
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and
of the sub-indices, particularly the
petroleum-based components. The declines
St Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis and
in price levels ranged from 0.2 per cent in
Anguilla yielded deficits after recording
Antigua and Barbuda to 2.1 per cent in
surpluses in the preceding year.
Saint Lucia.
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