June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
All figures have been rounded to either the nearest whole number or the first decimal place (except in cases where values are small and need to be rounded off at two decimal places instead). -- denotes ‘nil’ 0.0 denotes ‘negligible’ n.a. denotes ‘not available’ ** denotes ‘not applicable’ R denotes ‘revised’ P denotes ‘provisional’ E denotes ‘ECCB estimates’ Some Changes in Monetary Survey due to Methodological Changes in compilation 1. Accrued interest, which was part of ‘Other Items Net’ on the Monetary Survey, is now spread across the various financial instruments and included under Net Foreign Assets (NFA), Domestic Credit or Broad Money where applicable. 2. Financial institutions are broken down by Other Depository Corporations (ODC), which are captured under Other Items Net (OIT), and Other Financial Corporations (OFC), included under Broad Money. 3. Institutional Unit breakdown of loans received (borrowings), financial derivatives, repurchase agreements, bank cheques and drafts issued are no longer lumped under other assets/Other liabilities 4. Local Governments’ Deposits are excluded from Broad Money and captured under General Government 5. NIS captured under “General Government” 6. Statutory Bodies were disaggregated to factor in the types of goods and services offered. They are now broken down into two subsectors: a. Public Non-Financial Corporations (Group 1), which provide goods and services without charging fees; and are captured under “General Government” b. Public Non-Financial Corporations (Group 2), which charge for the more significant goods and services that they provide to cover most or all of their operational costs. without charging fees. These are now captured as part of “Public Non-Financial Corporation” 7. Private Sector was reclassified to exclude Financial Corporations and Subsidiaries and Affiliates 8. General government represents central and local government. Some figures may differ from those in previous publications because of subsequent revision based on more accurate data.
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