June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
June 2020 Economic and Financial Review SAINT CHRISTOPHER (ST KITTS) AND NEVIS
External Sector Developments
Despite the gradual easing of containment
The merchandise trade deficit narrowed
by 13.8 per cent to $310.4m during the
St Kitts and Nevis is projected to contract in
first half of 2020. This development was
the remainder of 2020.
driven by sharp contractions in both import
The pandemic will continue to affect the
payments and export receipts, related to
tourism industry, even after the reopening of
measures introduced in the second quarter to
borders, as global demand is likely to remain
contain the spread of the virus and the
weak. The weakened external demand is
associated decline in household and business
expected to impact manufacturing activity.
The government’s investment in the
St Kitts & Nevis Visible Trade
construction and agricultural sectors,
however, could partially moderate the
decline in economic activity.
forecasts; nevertheless, downside risks
18 Q1 18 Q2 18 Q3 18 Q4 19 Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 20 Q1 20 Q2
remain consequential. If the global recovery
Total Exports
Total Imports
Trade Balance
is protracted, the Federation’s rebound may
In line with the decline in visitor arrivals,
also be slower than anticipated.
gross travel receipts are estimated to have
Additionally, adverse weather remains a
decreased by 57.8 per cent to $132.5m in the
significant downside risk.
first six months of 2020. In the public
On the upside, if the global recovery
sector, external disbursements to the federal
accelerates, the forecasted contraction could
government totalled $1.5m in the first half
be milder. Moreover, the continued
of 2020, while external principal repayments
implementation of fiscal countermeasures by
amounted to $12.0m. These transactions led
the Federal Government could partially
to a net outflow of $10.6m, compared with
temper recessionary conditions.
one of $8.4m in the same period of 2019.
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