June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
June 2020 Economic and Financial Review
Real Sector Developments
The COVID-19 pandemic, and the
The economic contraction in the first half
stringent containment measures which
of 2020 reflected declines in all the key
have been implemented worldwide,
sectors, as containment measures resulted
triggered a contraction in economic
in major disruptions to economic activity.
activity in Antigua and Barbuda in the
Tourism activity is estimated to have
first half of 2020. 5
While the long-term
declined, evidenced by a 44.8 per cent
impact of the pandemic remains uncertain,
contraction in total visitor arrivals to
the outlook for the economy for the
351,538, underpinned by declines in the
remainder of the year is expected to be
stay-over (47.8 per cent), cruise
hampered by subdued global economic
(43.8 per cent) and yachting (41.7 per cent)
activity, increasing uncertainty and the
segments. The fall in stay-over arrivals
attendant effects on private sector and
reflected declines from all source markets,
government activity.
including the Caribbean (62.9 per cent),
5 Antigua and Barbuda closed the VC Bird International Airport to all international commercial flights beginning 27 March and reopened on 01 June 2020. The government also initially ordered a 24-hour curfew from
2 April to 9 April which prohibited movement during the day by non-essential workers except for food and emergency supplies.
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