June 2020 Economic and Financial Review

June 2020 Economic and Financial Review




Real Sector Developments

During the first half of 2020, economic

The total number of visitors to Anguilla

activity in Anguilla was estimated to have

from January to June 2020 declined by

declined, after posting gains in 2019.

Activity in the tourism industry came to a

58.3 per cent to 38,897. This was a

complete halt in the second quarter, as the

reversal of the near tripling of the rate of

borders closed to international travel to

growth in the same period in 2019. Stay over

contain the spread of the COVID-19

arrivals fell by 58.5 per cent to 23,198,

pandemic. Although the ongoing Anguilla

reflecting reductions from all source

Programme 3 added some buoyancy in the

markets, notably the major markets of the

construction sector, it was not sufficient to

Caribbean (65.9 per cent), United Kingdom

offset the large contraction brought about by

(60.7 per cent), the USA (59.3 per cent),

the lack of tourism activity. The economy

Canada (48.3 per cent) and other Europe

is expected to remain in a recessive state for

(49.5 per cent). The number of

the rest of 2020, with a marginal uptick

excursionists also fell by 57.9 per cent to

projected in 2021.


3 The Anguilla Programme consists of capital grant funding of £60m from the UK government, allocated to support reconstruction after Hurricane Irma.


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