Growth and Resilience Dialogue 15/02/2018
At CDB, we are exploring the possibility of using the vulnerability and resilience index to improve BMCs access to concessional financing
Vulnerability Index
Resilience Index
Export Concentration (20%) Measures a country’s reliance on a fewmajor exports and on a few key export trading partners Dependence on Strategic Imports (20%) Measures a country’s dependence on critical imported goods (food and energy) to meet domestic consumption and production Dependence on Foreign Capital (20%) Measures a country’s reliance on external sources of capital to achieve its development objectives
Economic Vulnerability Weight - 60%
Measures a country’s ability to foster sustained growth and respond to economic shocks through foreign exchange buffers, prudent fiscal policy, and manageable debt levels
Macroeconomic Stability Weight - 60%
Measures a country’s ability to promote social cohesion and good governance
Social Security and Good Governance Weight - 20%
Risk of Harm The risk of an economy being harmed is the difference between its vulnerability and resilience
Social Susceptibility (20%) Measures the social vulnerability of a country through health, education, gender equality, poverty, and crime
Social Vulnerability Weight - 20%
Measures a country’s ability to withstand and respond to natural disasters
Environmental Preparedness Weight - 20%
Natural Hazards & Climate Change (20%) Measures a country’s susceptibility to natural hazards and climate change
Environmental Vulnerability Weight - 20%
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