GRD 7 - Meet the Speaker Square


Meet the Speakers

25 - 26 APRIL 2023

Botany/Horticulture Lecturer & Botany Garden Coordinator, Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI Mona Machel Emanuel, Msc., PhD.

Dr Machel Emanuel is a Lecturer/ Researcher in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Botany, a Master of Science in Plant Production and Protection, and a PhD in Botany from UWI Mona. His area of research is Crop science, with a focus on post-harvest of fresh tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables. He is also an internationally certified (IFOAM) Organic Farm Inspector. Dr Emanuel is the Principal Investigator of the Life Science Cannabis Research Group in the Department of Life Sciences, UWI Mona. His team conducts research in the area of Tropical Horticulture for Cannabis sativa, its application, consistency, efficacy, and quality control throughout the cannabis value chain. He is the Vice- chair of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica Cannabis Technical Committee for the development of standards for the Jamaica Cannabis Industry and a Technical member of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Cannabis Taskforce and Chairman of the Product Development Sub-committee.

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