ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report
The ECCU has undergone a strong rebound, led by tourism and investment, and supported by policies that helped moderate the impact from successive external shocks. ~ IMF Concluding Statement on Article IV Mission
z Harnessing Satellite Data to Improve Social Assistance Targeting in the Eastern Caribbean The IMF Mission Team pledged its continued support as the ECCU advances its economic transformation process.
The IMF’s Mission Concluding Statement on the 2024 ECCU Consultation is accessible to the public on the Fund’s website.
READ: IMF Mission Concluding Statement
ECCB M onetary C ouncil E ngages in H igh -L evel D iscussion with IMF D eputy M anaging D irector - B o L i
Members of the ECCB Monetary Council, Governor Antoine along with the Deputy Managing Director and other officers from the IMF at ECCB Headquarters - 16 February 2024 The Bank hosted a high-level engagement between the Monetary Council and the IMF’s Deputy Managing Director, Bo Li, at the ECCB Campus on 16 February 2024. The focus of the engagement was climate finance. That engagement presented a valuable opportunity for the Monetary Council to engage and advocate collectively on the critical climate issues that pose an existential threat to the ECCU.
The main outcome of the engagement was a proposal for collaboration between the IMF and the ECCB member countries in two areas: (i) renewable energy and (ii) adaptation finance.
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