ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report


Organisational Effectiveness remained a critical strategic pillar for the Bank. It was under that pillar that the Bank undertook its people focused work during the review period. People were the strongest asset in the execution of the Bank’s vision and mission, as staff worked tirelessly to achieve targets. S taffing Staff were encouraged to demonstrate the ethos of the Bank’s S.T.A.R. Mantra (Service Excellence, Teamwork and Truth Telling, Accountability, Results) and embody the core values therein, as they worked together purposefully to accomplish the Bank’s mission. During the year, there were 14 staff departures, including three retirees. The turnover rate, excluding the retirees was 4.07 per cent and a corresponding retention rate of approximately 96.0 per cent. Meaningful engagement of staff and understanding their needs remained high on the Bank’s agenda. Small cross sectional group sessions dubbed, “Coffee and Conversations with HR”, continued monthly with Those opportunities provided nuggets of information and suggestions as employees safely shared HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT

their views and recommendations on varied employment related matters. Additionally, the anonymous virtual Think Tank remained vibrant and provided another avenue for sharing feedback, concerns and recommendations. The aim was to understand employees’ needs and meet or exceed them, while balancing the organisational requirements. R ecruitment In the provision of service excellence to the people of the region, the Bank strives to have representation of the people it serves. The Bank therefore engaged suitably qualified ECCU citizenry to select the brightest and best, welcoming and onboarding 17 new members to the ECCB community, with placement in eight of 14 departments. L earning Opportunities for improved learning, building capacity and performance enhancements were embraced through carefully selected management initiated training areas, including, leadership development, data analytics, risk management, artificial intelligence, and climate resilience. Staff also continued to benefit from staff initiated offerings such as reimbursement for the cost of completed studies, and time off/ support within the approved guidelines. Self paced learning continued through the access of available programmes on the Bank’s learning

Opportunities for improved learning, building capacity and performance enhancements were embraced through carefully selected management initiated training areas, including, leadership development, data analytics, risk management, artificial intelligence, and climate resilience.


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