ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report
P roject BOOST Project BOOST was launched to address the limitations of the Bank’s current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with a target completion date of 31 March 2025. This initiative aims to Build On Opportunities
for Sustained Transformation (BOOST) by implementing a new system that will significantly improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. The project will also enhance transparency, accountability, and data-driven decision-making.
Greening of the ECCB Campus: An Award-Winning Project
The commissioning of the storage battery plants to the solar farm, resulted in the reduction in total electrical costs by 75.0 per cent, compared to the financial year 2021/22. The battery plant produced 970 kW AC of electricity for use on Campus, leading to approximately 3,440,000 lbs of CO2 reduction in emissions for the financial year. The CO2 emissions reduction over the 30 year PV System lifetime is projected at 103,200 tons.
The Honourable Minister responsible for Energy in the Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis, Konris Maynard, along with officials from the Energy Unit visited the ECCB’s Solar Canopy Project in November 2023 as part of efforts to advance the country’s renewable energy agenda. Minister Maynard expressed gratitude to the ECCB for its willingness to share knowledge and insights of the operations of the project.
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