ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report
2023 Financial Information Month Festival
The ECCB collaborated with 140 partners from across the ECCU to plan and execute the 2023 Financial Information Month (FIM) Festival. The FIM Festival initiative is an annual regional education campaign focused on financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial matters. The campaign was first executed in 2002. ‘Wealth Creation for Financial Resilience’ was the area of focus for FIM Festival 2023. The month kicked off with the usual Declaration Speech, which was delivered by the Chief Director (Policy), Tracy Polius. FIM Festival partners organised and successfully implemented various activities, with the goal of empowering citizens and residents of the currency union to manage their finances and make sound financial decisions. The activities which embodied two sub-themes: (i) Adopting Good Financial Behaviour and (ii) Managing Your Financial Stress: Building Resilience, included: 1. Financial Fairs; 2. Mini Investment Series; 3. Financial Tips on social Media and Radio; 4. Public Speaking Competition; 5. School Outreach at the Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Levels; 6. Live Television and Online Discussions; 7. Interactive Radio Programmes; 8. Youth Forum; 9. Fitness Events; and 10.Collaboration and/or Partnerships with other Organisations and Government Ministries.
Check out the FIM Festival Facebook Page
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