ECCB 2023-2024 Annual Report

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 March 2024 (Expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars)

8. Financial instruments a) Classification of financial assets and liabilities The accounting policies for financial assets and liabilities are set out in note 2(g) above. The Bank has assessed which business models apply to the financial assets and has classified its financial instruments into the appropriate classification and measurement categories. (i) Financial assets measured at FVOCI Money market instruments Money market instruments consists of commercial paper, certificate of deposits held in the Bank’s foreign reserves core portfolio. Money market instruments also includes term deposits, which are held in the liquidity portfolio. The Bank has assessed its business model at the portfolio level as described in note 2 (g) (iii). The Bank concluded the following:  Money market instruments held in the core foreign reserves portfolio are managed within a business model to hold to collect and sell financial assets and meet the SPPI criteria. Investment securities other than equity instruments Foreign debt investment securities are managed within a business model of collecting contractual cash flows and selling the financial assets and meet the SPPI criteria. Accordingly, these investments are classified and measured at FVOCI. Equity investment instruments The Bank has elected to irrevocably designate equity investment securities as fair value through other comprehensive income as permitted under IFRS 9. Money market instruments Money market instruments (term deposits) held in the liquidity portfolio are managed within a business model of held to collect the contractual cash flows and meet the SPPI criteria. Domestic financial assets Financial assets in the domestic portfolio are managed within a business model to collect contractual cash flows and meet the SPPI criteria. (ii) Financial assets measured at amortised cost


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