ECCB 2022-2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Annual Report 2022 - 2023

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance 1. Explore a water management system for the ECCB Campus. Data and Digital Transformation 1. Build internal capacity in data analytics. 2. Launch a new ECCB website. 3. Sponsor STEAM camps for youth in the ECCU. Organisational Effectiveness and Development 1. Commence use of a new Enterprise Risk Management System. 2. Complete the 2022-2023 round of Country Outreach Missions. 3. Convene the 7 th Growth and Resilience Dialogue with Social Partners, in a hybrid format, under the theme “An Appropriate and Sustainable Model for Health Care in the ECCU/OECS: Agile Infrastructure, Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Cannabis.” The challenge to double ECCU GDP is our moonshot goal. Daunting as it may seem, this is not impossible to accomplish. Consider that the original moonshot – to put a man on the moon – seemed impossible at the time. Yet, that historic feat was accomplished with the onboard Apollo Guidance Computer – a computer with less computing power than today’s ubiquitous smartphones! I am grateful to the Monetary Council for its resolute leadership and support of the Bank throughout this period of global turmoil. The members of the Board of Directors have supported us to ensure that the Bank is run soundly and delivers on its mandate. My colleagues on the Executive Committee - Deputy Governor,

Notwithstanding the Bank’s emphasis on innovation and leveraging technology, our staff remain our most important resource. The Bank has placed increased priority on staff wellness, including mental health. To that end, under the organisational effectiveness and development goal, the Bank secured the services of a second counsellor, offered two health screenings and facilitated better work-life balance with a hybrid work modality. Staff availed themselves of internal and external training opportunities, including a refresher course for the Bank’s flagship leadership training programme. Looking out, the Bank resumed its in country Outreach missions after a two-year hiatus. The Outreach mission is a tool of accountability for the Bank. During those missions, we report on the Bank’s work for the region and, in turn, are rewarded with rich and valuable insights from the people whom we serve. Looking ahead to the 2023-2024 financial year, the Bank seeks to deliver on its anniversary commitment to focus on implementation. The Bank will innovate and collaborate with partners on a number of strategic initiatives, including the following: Financial Stability 1. Fully operationalise the Credit Bureau; 2. Advance work towards establishing a deposit insurance system; and 3. Advance work on the Renewable Energy Infrastructure Investment Facility. Payments Modernisation and Financial Inclusion 1. Finalise and implement the Payment System Oversight Policy. 2. Launch of Results of Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey and design of a Financial Inclusion Strategy


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