ECCB 2020-2021 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Transform citizen engagement and stakeholders’ relations management built on transparency, accountability and knowledge sharing ECCB Digital Dialogues and ECCB Blog As the ECCU continued to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Bank saw the need for additional platforms for engaging with the people of the ECCU. To this end, the Bank introduced two new public engagement initiatives: ECCB Digital Dialogues and ECCB Blog: Insights Towards Recovery, Resilience and Socio-economic Transformation . ECCB Digital Dialogues , which was launched on 2 June 2020, serves as an avenue for stimulating public discourse and building regional solidarity in response to the threats and opportunities presented by the pandemic. Each session of the ECCB Digital Dialogues comprises a panel discussion by experts on a topical issue and includes a Question and Answer segment where viewers are invited to share their questions and comments for the panelists’ response. A total of twelve (12) Dialogues were held during the year which covered issues and initiatives relating to the recovery, resilience and transformation of the region’s economies. Topics included digital currency, tourism, regional air transport, banking, food security, faith, digital transformation and climate resilience. The Bank launched ECCB Blog: Insights Towards Recovery, Resilience and Socio-Economic Transformation on its website in March 2021. Through this platform, the Bank shares insights on its strategic priorities and projects that affect the wellbeing of citizens and residents of the ECCU. The blog provides an avenue for harnessing collective thinking and taking collective action to deliver greater resilience and shared prosperity for the people of the ECCU. The inaugural blog featured the ECCB’s Digital Currency (DCash) which served to heighten citizens’ understanding and awareness of the initiative and its potential for helping to transform the region’s economies. Publications will cover a range of relevant topics including the Digital Economy, Financial Stability, Renewable Energy, Food and Nutrition Security, Healthcare, Small Business Development and Tourism. Read ECCB Blog ECCU COVID-19 Tracker In April 2020, as part of fulfilling its mandate to provide timely, reliable and accurate statistics, the ECCB began tracking and disseminating statistics on COVID-19 in the ECCU. Statistics were disseminated daily and have included information on the number of cases, tests conducted, deaths, and vaccines administered. The results of monitoring developments in the ECCU member countries are displayed on the ECCB’s website daily. Networking Meetings with ECCU Directors of Statistics The ECCB, in collaboration with the OECS Commission, convened a networking meeting with ECCU Directors of Statistics in October 2020. The theme of the meeting was: Strengthening the ECCU/OECS Statistical System. Discussions focused on plans for a GDP Rebasing Exercise within the ECCU and the work to be conducted by the ECCB and CARTAC; as well as matters related to statistical Governance, specifically on the ISIC and the Statistical Business Register.
View the ECCB Digital Dialogues Series: June 2020 - March 2021
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