ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Heads of Departments in leadership and development training with Verieux Mourillon
2017/2018 financial year to work towards a modern Human Resource (HR) Strategy in line with the ECCB’s five-year Strategic Plan, with particular focus on strategic hiring and staffing, HR consultancy, training and development, policy enhancement and compliance, compensation and benefits management. Recruitment and Selection Thirty-two new staffmembers were welcomed into the ECCB family over the financial year 2017/2018 through 12 recruitment processes. The recruitments were deliberate, timely and targetted at filling key staffing gaps in nine departments with best fit candidates to assist with the execution of the Bank’s mandate, in keeping with its Strategic Plan. The Bank also continued its hiring policy of all new recruits on a two- year contractual engagement to allow for flexibility of employment for both contractual parties with the option of transferring to the permanent establishment or separating at the end of the contractual period. Human Resource Consultancies TheBank remainedcommittedand resolute in its stance for development of its staff as a fundamental principle forensuringfullattainmentofitsmandate.Inthisregard,
focus persisted on executing the HR consultancies in the areas of a modern HR strategy including performance and leadership and development. The three-phased Leadership and Development Programmewithprincipal consultant VerieuxMourillon of World International Action Learning (WIAL) and Dr Ruby Brown, concluded in December 2017. Thirty- eight managers received training and coaching skills for enhanced leadership. The programme was undertaken over a 13-month period and included the involvement of other staff members throughout the process as required. The training was the catalyst to a more robust and engaged leadership role at the ECCB. The consultancy firm, VF Inc of the Commonwealth of Dominica led by principal consultant, Dr Valda Henry, was selected to partner with the ECCB to develop a modern HR Strategy. The firm has been engaged to deliver on the development of a human resource strategy that supports long-term business goals consistent with the Bank’s Strategic Plan. To date, there have been engagements in “Voice of Employee” and “Board Member” surveys, core competency assessments, intention-based communications training for Heads of Departments
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