ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Financial Information Month (FIM) – New Format for Business Symposium The ECCU Financial Information Month (FIM) programme is a collaborative effort between the ECCB and over 140 financial partners from across the currency union. The theme for 2017 was: Retirement Planning: Making Your Golden Years Golden . The format of the Business Symposium, which is now a featured FIM activity, was changed to allow for a larger number of participants and increased interaction between the facilitators and the attendees. Instead of one session, where the eight ECCB member countries were linked via videoconference with transmission from ECCB Headquarters in St Kitts and Nevis, separate symposia were held in each country. The session in St Kitts and Nevis was streamed live via the Bank’s Facebook page and YouTube channel, thus expanding the reach of the symposium. The 2017 FIM Business Symposium topics were: • • From Work to Retirement - Preparing for a Smooth Transition; • • Financial Planning - Creating, Growing and Protecting Your Wealth; and • • Wills and Estate Planning - Protecting Your Loved Ones and Your Inheritance ECCB Primary School Mentorship Programme The ECCB Primary School Mentorship Programme, initiated in 2007, involves one primary school from each ECCB member country. ECCB staff and networking partners visit the schools on a weekly basis to engage students of Grades four, five and six on a range of topics which focus on the role and functions of the ECCB and financial, economic and cultural development issues.
and effectiveness and to obtain information for increasing the effectiveness of the programme. As part of the Bank’s thrust to expand its public education programmes the Bank will develop a radio programme to share the information from the mentorship sessions with the youth of its member countries. The programme will be aired on established radio programmes which target the youth. OECS Essay Competition The OECS Essay Competition was initiated to afford the youth of the ECCU the opportunity to voice their opinions on various issues which may affect their communities. During the last quarter of the finanical year, the Bank engaged teachers from across the ECCU discuss the relevance of the competition and to obtain recommendations for increasing participation. The dialogue also sought recommendations on how the ECCB could contribute further to the development of the analytical skills of the region’s students, encourage structured and deliberate discourse on economic and financial issues and create avenues for the expression of creativity. The recommendations from the teachers will be incorporated into the rebranding of the ECCB’s Public Education Programme in the secondary schools and colleges across the currency union. ECCB Connects The ECCB Connects programme is designed to enhance the public’s knowledge on the role and function of the Bank. As at end of the review period, 79 episodes had been released on the Bank’s social media platforms and distributed to the media throughout the ECCB member countries. The issues addressed included: • Developments in ECCU Social Security Systems; • Personal Finance Management;
During the financial year, the ECCB conducted a review of the programme to assess its relevance
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