ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
interconnectedness; public investment management; public private partnerships and inclusive growth.
• • Quarterly Economic and Financial Review (QEFR) and the Annual Economic and Financial Review (AEFR) - These reports, which are published on the Bank’s website, provide a historical analysis of developments over the prescribed time period. • • Joint Financial Programming/ Debt Sustainability Analysis exercise - This exercise is more diagnostic in nature, integrating the use of Financial Programming and Debt Sustainability tool kits to assess macroeconomic imbalances in member countries, relating to fiscal and debt. • • Policy Briefs - These short papers, some of which were published in the Economic and Financial Reviews, cover current and topical policy issues in member countries. Over the year, the Bank has produced policy briefs on: fiscal policy, contribution of cruise tourism, population density in the ECCU, Donald Trump’s Presidency: issues for consideration for the ECCU and the impact of climate change on agriculture. • • Research Papers - These papers address specific policy issues based on the Bank’s strategic priorities. During the year under review, the Bank conducted research on credit and economic growth, sustainable output growth, structural reforms in the ECCU, mergers in the credit union sector, financial cycles and commercial bank profitability. In order to strengthen the macroeconomic surveillance function, staff of the Research Department were engaged in several training sessions and workshops facilitated by various organisations. These engagements covered topics critical to the Bank’s work such as macro prudential policy; financial sector
Ensure Parallel Implementation of Initiatives Across Core Activities of the Strategic Plan to Maintain a Strong and Stable EC Dollar Implementation success rests on the Bank’s ability to ensure that the strategy permeates the day to day life of each department and employee, and that strategic priorities are translated into actionable initiatives. To facilitate the effective implementation of the Bank’s Strategic Plan and monitor strategic progress, a comprehensive monitoring framework was developed to ensure alignment among the Bank’s goals, annual strategic priorities/objectives, key deliverables and work tasks, training focus and budget. Department heads and staff have embraced this paradigm shift in work programme planning and execution.
The Strategic Planning and Projects Department is chargedwiththemonitoringoftheBank’sStrategicPlan.
Over the year, the Bank has produced policy briefs on: fiscal policy, contribution of cruise tourism, population density in the ECCU, Donald Trump’s Presidency: issues for consideration for ECCU and the impact of climate change on agriculture
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