ECCB 2017-2018 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Total $
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to the Financial Statements March 31, 2018 (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) EASTERN CARIBBEAN CENTRAL BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) March 31, 2018 Eastern Caribbean Dollar $ United States Dollar $ British Pound $ Euro $ Other $ Financial assets Balances with other central banks - 11,578,537 187,915 - 90,187 11,856,639 Balances with foreign banks - 52,855 - - - 52,855 - Money market instruments and money at call - 1,616,345,608 - - 577 1,616,346,185 Financial assets held for trading - - - 21,007 118,177 139,184 - - - 40,496,304 Available-for-sale – foreign investment securities - 2,851,367,037 - 47,896,327 40,248,495 2,939,511,859 Balances with local banks 1,838,469 - - - - 1,838,469 Due from local banks 21,037,397 - - - - 21,037,397 Term deposits – domestic 10,059,690 - - - - 10,059,690
48 Accounts receivable 10,022,357 - - - - 10,022,357 Available-for-sale – domestic investment securities 624,186 - - - - 624,186 157,412,742 4,479,344,037 187,915 47,917,334 40,457,436 4,725,319,464 Financial liabilities Demand and deposit liabilities – domestic 4,737,355,128 - - - - 4,737,355,128 Demand and deposit liabilities – foreign 9,957,859 327,124 - - - 10,284,983
Loans and receivables – participating governments’ securities 73,334,339 - - - - 73,334,339
IMF government general resource accounts 1,133,444 - - - - 1,133,444 Financial liabilities held for trading - 1,801 32,559 660,541 6,502 701,403 4,748,446,431 328,925 32,559 660,541 6,502 4,749,474,958
Loans and receivables – participating governments’ advances 40,496,304
Net on-balance sheet (4,591,033,689) 4,479,015,112 155,356 47,256,793 40,450,934 (24,155,494)
3. Financial risk management …continued d) Currency risk …continued The table below analyses assets and liabilities of the Bank into the respective currency positions as of March 31, 2017:
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