ECCB 2014-2015 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 Eastern Caribbea Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 E stern Caribbea Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Ma ch 31, 2015 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) March 31, 2015
(expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) (expressed i Eastern Caribb an dollars) 24. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents 24. Cash and cash equivalents 24. Cash and cash equivalents
2015 $ 2015 $ 2015 $
2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 $
1,290,002,066 33,464,613 13,034,602 9,572,418 2,464,446 1,290 002 066 3 46 13 13,034 602 9 572 18 2,464,446 1,290,002,066 33,464,613 13,034,602 9,572,418 2,464,446 73,225 73,225 73 225 1,348,611,370 1,348,611,370 1,348,611,370
Money market instruments and money at call (note 5) Money m rket instruments and money at call (note 5) Money market instruments and money at call (note 5) Regional and foreign currencies Balances with other central banks (note 4) Regional and f reign cur encies Balances with other central banks (note 4) Regional and foreign currencies Balances with other central banks (note 4) Due from local banks Balances with local banks Due from local banks
1,040,042,915 37,749,069 5,080,129 9,569,363 2,049,083 1,040 0 2 915 37 749 06 5 080 129 9 56 36 2,049 083 1,040,042,915 37,749,069 5,080,129 9,569,363 2,049,083 86,165 86,165 8 165 1,094,576,724 1,094,576,724 1,094,576,724
Balances with foreign banks (note 4) Total cash and cash equivalents i l cal banks Balances with foreign banks (note 4) Total cash and cash equivalents Due from local banks Balances with lo l banks Bal n es with foreign banks (note 4) Total cash and cash equivalents
25. Net interest income 25. Net interest income 25. Net interest income Net interest income
2015 $ 2015 $ 2015 $
2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 $
Interest income Available-for-sale: foreign investment securities Loans and receivables: participating governments’ securities Interest income Av ilable-for-sale: foreign nves ment securiti s Loans and receivables: participating governments’ securities Interest income Available-for-sale: foreign investment securities Loans and receivables: participating governments’ securities Money market instruments and money at call Money market instruments and money at call Money market instruments and money at call Other Other Other
25,765,384 3,820,393 6,573,579 1,005,602 37,164,958 25 765 84 3 820 393 6,573,579 1,005,602 37,164,958 25,765,384 3,820,393 6,573,579 1 005 602 37,164,958
24,094,955 4,232,313 6,043,798 885,237 35,256,303 2 094 955 4 232 313 6,043,798 885,237 35,256,303 24,094,955 4,232,313 6,043,798 885 237 35,256,303
2015 $ 2015 $ 2015 $ 1,881 1,881 1,881 1,881 , 1,881
2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 $ 5,569 5,569 5,569 5,569 , 5 569
Interest expense Demand liabilities: domestic Interest expens Demand liabilities: domestic Interest expense Demand liabilities: domestic Net interest income Net interest income Net interest income
37,163,077 37,163,077 37,163,077
35,250,734 35,250,734 35,250,734
26. Other income 26. Other income 26. Other income t i
2015 $ 2015 $ 2015 $
2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 $
2,339,053 572,746 246,640 63,386 2,339 053 572 7 6 246 640 63,386 2,339,053 572,746 246,640 63,386 1,596 1,596 1,596 - (2,352,765) - (2,352,765) (2,352,765) 870,656 870,656 870,656 -
Income from reserve requirement Pension fund administrative and management fees Income from reserve requir ment Pension fund administrative and management fees Income from reserve requirement Pension fund administrative and management fees Miscellaneous income Rental income Misce laneous income Rental income Miscellaneous income Rental income Gain/(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment Gain/(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment Gain/(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment Income from CALMS Loss on futures Income from CALMS Loss on futures Income from CALMS Loss on futures
2,955,100 530,687 441,423 63,386 (1,092,357) 1,938,651 2,955 100 530,687 441 423 63,386 (1,0 2,357) 1,93 651 2,955,100 530,687 441,423 63,386 (1,092,357) 1,938,651 (168,198) (168,198) (168,198) 4,668,692 4,668,692 4,668,692
Total other income Total other income Total other income
87 87
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