ECCB 2014-2015 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 astern Caribbean Central Bank otes to onsolidated Financial State ents arch 31, 2015
(expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) March 31, 2015
21 . Pension asset …continued 21 . Pension asset …continued tin ed i t
2015 $ 2015 $
2014 $ 2014 $
Reconciliation of amount reported in the statement of financial position: Pension asset, beginning of year Reconciliation of a ount reported in the state ent of financial position: Pension asset, beginning of year Net pension costs during the year Re- easure ents recognised in other co prehensive loss Net pension costs during the year Contributions to pension sche e Re-measurements recognised in other comprehensive loss Contributions to pension scheme
17,572,000 (2,423,000) 3,049,000 2,319,000 17,572,000 (2,423,000) 3,049,000 2,319,000 20,517,000 20,517,000
7,255,000 (3,365,000) 11,291,000 2,391,000 7,255,000 (3,365,000) 11,291,000 2,391,000
Pension asset, end of year 17,572,000 Effective April 1, 2007, the Bank adjusted its contribution to the Pension Fund from 16% to 12% to benefit from the current overfunded position of the pension fund and as prescribed by rule 4(3) of the Pension Fund Trust Deed and Rules (1992). Pension asset, end of year 17,572,000 Effective April 1, 2007, the Bank adjusted its contribution to the Pension Fund from 16% to 12% to benefit from the current overfunded position of the pension fund and as prescribed by rule 4(3) of the Pension Fund Trust Deed and Rules (1992). Effective April 1, 2007, the Bank adjusted its contribution to the Pension Fund from 16% to 12% to benefit from the c rrent overfunded position of the pension fund and as prescribed by rule 4(3) of the Pension Fund Trust Deed and Rules (1992).
2015 $ 2015 $
2014 $ 2014 $
The movement in the defined benefit obligation over the year is as follows: Beginning of year The ove ent in the defined benefit obligation over the year is as follows: Beginning of year
74,907,000 3,554,000 5,151,000 580,000 (2,344,000) (2,675,000) 79,173,000 74,907,000 3,554,000 5,151,000 580,000 (2,344,000) (2,675,000) 79,173,000
74,668,000 3,765,000 5,120,000 598,000 (6,144,000) (3,100,000) 74,907,000 74,668,000 3,765,000 5,120,000 598,000 (6,144,000) (3,100,000) 74,907,000
Current service cost Current service cost Interest cost Interest cost
Contributions by plan participants Contributions by plan participants
Actuarial gain Benefits paid Actuarial gain Benefits paid
2015 2015
2014 2014
The defined benefit obligation is allocated between the Plan’s members as follows: Active and promoted members The defined benefit obligation is allocated between the Plan’s e bers as follows: Active and pro oted e bers
85.0 15.0 85.0 15.0 2015 2015
85.0 15.0 85.0 15.0 2014 2014
Pensioners Pensioners
The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation at the year end The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation at the year end
16.4 years 16.4 years
16.4 years 16.4 years
24% of the benefits for active members are for those over age 55 and are vested. 40% of the defined benefit obligation for active members is conditional on future salary increases. 24 of the benefits for active e bers are for those over age 55 and are vested. 40 of the defined benefit obligation for active e bers is conditional on future salary increases.
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