Dcash Digital Consumer Brochure
How do I sign-up? You can sign-up in two ways:
Sign-up through your financialinstitution If you have a bank account, and your financial institution is participating in the pilot, contact your financial institution’s customer service department to find out more.
Please contact the financial institution to confirm ability to facilitate sign-up.
Sign-up without afinancial institution If you do NOT have a bank account, download the DCash app, fromGoogle Play store or Apple store, and select the option ‘Sign-up without a code’when going through the sign-upprocess. ADCash Agent will verify your application andmanage your customer service enquiries during the pilot. After your application has been approved, you can visit one of our manyMerchant Tellers to exchange Cash for DCash and vice versa.
For a full list of DCash financial institutions, merchants and agents, please visit our website dcashec.com orcontact Tel: 869.465.2537 Fax: 869.465.9562 Email: dcashec@eccb-centralbank.org
Dcash Consumer October 2022.indd 6
02.11.2022 16:02
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