CRD Welcome Package
Corporate Relations Department
Procedures Manual
The HOD, CRD will assess the requests and submit a recommendation to the Governor, for
requests that meet the stipulated criteria.
2.2.2 Requests Not Meeting Criteria
a. The Administrative Professional prepares a response to the request for
sponsorship or donation for signature by the HOD, CRD. Refer to DM
619353 (saved as versions).
b. If an email address is available, the response letter should be scanned and
emailed to the vendor.
c. The original letter is then mailed to the vendor. As a courtesy, the vendor
may be notified that a response was sent by mail.
d. A copy of the letter of request and ECCB’s response is saved in DM (as one
Note: Under no circumstances should any staff member agree to commit the
Bank to providing sponsorship or donations to any organisation, association or
group, without prior approval from the Governor.
Community Outreach Programme
The Bank provides sponsorship through its community outreach programme.
Existing commitments are:
a) The OECS/ECCB International Netball Series – The Bank provides
sponsorship of $120,000 to the Netball Association in the host country, which is
responsible for making all the arrangements on the ground in collaboration with
Caribbean Netball Association (CNA). Appendix XII outlines a sample of the
MOU between the ECCB, CNA and the host Netball Association.
b) ECCB Creative Youth Competition - The competition is open to students
between the ages of 13 and 19. The Bank provides sponsorship of $18,500. Cash
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