CRD Welcome Package

Corporate Relations Department

Procedures Manual

In January, the Schedule of Meetings is circulated to Management with copy to the ECCB Admin Prof email group and the Agency Offices. Adjustments are made accordingly.



1) The respective coordinating departments check the Bank’s calendar of meetings (ECCB Meetings - available in the public folder in Microsoft Outlook) to determine whether the calendar is clear for the proposed date and requests CRD to make tentative reservation for their meetings.

2) Coordinating departments liaise with the Governor’s Office to confirm the availability of the Governor for the proposed date if he is required to attend.

3) Coordinating department sends request to CRD via email, at least 4-6 weeks prior to the meeting, for confirmation and booking of the proposed date and for adding the meeting to the Bank’s calendar. The request should include confirmation of availability of Governor. 4) CRD grants clearance and updates the Bank’s calendar if the date is convenient. For videoconferences, the above steps apply and a videoconference request form should also be completed and emailed to the CRD no less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting. 5) For teleconferences, the coordinating department reserves the equipment by booking it online in MS Outlook. There are two extensions available for teleconferences and two folders for bookings—one for each extension.



Prior to the Meeting


Date and Time


Consult with the Schedule of Meetings/Due Date for Papers


Reconfirm that the dates and time in the calendar are correct

3) Specifically, for Board Subcommittee Meetings (Audit and Risk, Budget and Human Resource, Investment) - Consult with the Senior Director, CRD to ensure that they should be convened. i. Consult with the lead departments on the time required for each Subcommittee meeting, notify Senior Director CRD of the same. ii. Adjust schedule and timing for Board Subcommittee meetings as required.


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