CRD Welcome Package
Corporate Relations Department
1. Click on the dropdown Content Manager 2. Highlight and click on Events Schedules from the dropdown menu (see image above) 3. Under Actions , click on Add Schedule 4. Add a Title 5. Under the heading Graphic (optional) a. click on choose file b. navigate to the image you wish to add c. select and click open 6. Under the heading Document (optional) a. click on choose file b. navigate to the document you wish to add c. select and click open 7. Select and Event Type from the dropdown menu
8. Choose a Start Date 9. Choose an End Date 10. Choose a Start Time 11. Choose an End Time
12. Fill in the Description (if applicable) 13. Click the checkbox next to Enabled 14. Click Submit
1. Click on the dropdown Content Manager 2. Highlight and click on Event Schedules from the dropdown menu (see image above) 3. To the right of the Schedule title, click on the word edit under Actions
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