CRD Welcome Package

Corporate Relations Department

Procedures Manual

 A Role must be selected as this will determine the actions and permissions the user has.   When Receive notificaitions for new blog posts is checked, the user will receive an email notification whenever a new blog post is added.   When Receive notificaitions for new discussions is checked, the user will receive an email notification whenever a new blog post is added. 


1. Click on the dropdown Admin 2. Highlight and click on Users from the dropdown (see image above) 3. From the list of users, click on Edit next to the corresponding record you would like to edit 4. On the edit page, edit the necessary fields 5. If you are satisfied with your edits, scroll to absolute bottom of page and click Submit


1. Click on the dropdown Admin 2. Highlight and click on Users from the dropdown (see image above) 3. From the list of users, click on Delete next to the corresponding record you would like to delete 4. Confirm that you want to delete user


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