CRD Welcome Package

Corporate Relations Department

Procedures Manual

5. If you are satisfied with your edits, scroll to absolute bottom of page and click Submit

Deleting a course document category

1. To view the list of workshops, click on the dropdown Training 2. Highlight and click on Resource Sharing Categories from the dropdown (see image above) 3. From the list of course document categories, click on Delete next to the corresponding record you would like to delete 4. Confirm that you want to delete course document category


1. To view full calendar, click on the dropdown Training 2. Highlight and click on Full Calendar from the dropdown (see image

above) The calendar displays all workshops, courses and webinars


Objective: to create vacancy postings and post job application submissions which can also be done on the public facing portion of the website by an external user. Also includes the posting of scholarship applications which can also be done on the public facing portion of the website.



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