CRD Welcome Package

Government and all statements and returns so supplied shall be regarded by the Government as secret.


The Bank may at a suitable time in conjunction with other banks organise clearing houses in such places as may be desirable.


(1) The Bank shall be the banker, fiscal agent of, and adviser to, the Participating Governments on monetary and financial matters and shall be the depository of funds of those Governments: Provided that in such cases, for such periods of time, and on such other terms and conditions as may be agreed between each Participating Government and the Bank - (a) the Bank may act in such capacities to government boards and agencies, social security funds and other statutory bodies and local government bodies; and (2) The Council, as well as any Participating Government may request the Bank to render advice and to furnish reports on matters relating to the purposes of the Bank as set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement. (3) It shall be the duty of the Bank to inform and advise the Council and any Participating Government concerning any matter that in the opinion of the Bank is likely to affect the achievement of the Bank’s purposes. (4) The Bank may represent any Participating Government at any international conference at which its attendance is requested by such Participating Government. The Bank shall, upon designation by any Participating Government, serve as the depository and fiscal agency of, and the institution through which dealings by the Participating Government shall be conducted with, international financial institutions of which that Participating Government is a member, and other agencies and countries. Except in accordance with Article 31 paragraph (2) sub-paragraph (d) and Article 40, the Bank shall not, directly or indirectly - (1) make advances to any Participating Government, its boards and agencies, social security funds and other statutory bodies and local government bodies; or (b) the Participating Government may maintain working balances with and generally use the services of other financial institutions.




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