CRD Welcome Package
holding of any such assets that the Bank is permitted to buy, sell or deal in under paragraph (a) and (b) of Article 26 of this Agreement; treasury bills and securities issued or guaranteed by any of the Participating Governments or its agencies, subject as provided in Article 40 of this Agreement:
(Ad ’91) Provided that in the case of advances granted under paragraph (2) for the specific purposes of promotion of those sectors which are deemed by the Bank to be priority sectors in the economies of the territories of the Participating Governments, the Board may authorise the extension of such advances to a period up to 12 months.
The Bank shall fix from time to time its rates for discounts and rediscounts. It may establish differential rates and ceilings for various classes of transactions or maturities.
(1) With the approval of the Council the Bank may, from time to time, prescribe either - (a) by written notice to the main office of each financial institution in the territories of the Participating Governments; or by publishing in newspapers of general circulation in the territories of the Participating Governments or in the Official Gazette of each territory. the maintenance of required reserves, including marginal required reserves, against deposits and other similar liabilities specified for this purpose. Such reserves shall be maintained either by way of cash holdings with each financial institution or by way of deposits with the Bank. (2) With the approval of the Council the Bank may require financial institutions of a given class or classes to hold such securities (including securities that may be issued by a Participating Government as provided in Article 40, paragraph (2) sub-paragraph (b) of this Agreement in substitution for its liabilities to financial institutions in respect of special deposits), issued or guaranteed by one or more of the Participating Governments, as the Board may designate for purposes of this Article in amounts not to exceed ten per cent of such institutions’ deposits and similar liabilities. (3) The Bank may prescribe different reserve ratios for different classes of deposit and other similar liabilities and may prescribe the method of their computation: Provided that - (i) the total amount of reserves that the financial institutions are required to hold shall be such percentage of the total deposit and other similar liabilities to which reserves ratios have been made applicable, as the Council may determine from time to time; (ii) the reserve ratios shall be uniform for all banks and for all credit institutions although the ratios may differ between the two classes: Provided that in the case of banks or credit institutions incorporated in any of the countries of the Participating Governments, and in respect of which at least seventy-five per cent of the shares are locally owned, the Bank (b)
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