4th Growth and Resilience Dialogue Presentations

Technical Assistance Programme for Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean (TAPSEC)

Objective: To ensure that all CARIFORUM citizens have access to clean and reliable energy supplies at affordable and stable prices. Expected results: Improved regulatory frameworks that enable Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency deployment. Improved Regional Energy Information Network. Improved accessibility for local and regional RE and EE project developers to access financing mechanisms through technical assistance. How to participate/benefit: •Representatives from governments will be invited to take part in workshops/technical training that TAPSEC will be supporting. •Technical Consultants from CCREEE will be able to provide technical support to countries when the centre is operational and fully staffed (Q3 2019). •Requests for support to be sent to the CARICOM Energy Unit.

Total amount: EUR 10.7 M

EU contribution: EUR 9.2 M

Implementing partner: GIZ (Germany) Duration: October 2016 – September 2021


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