20210411_MasterClass Deck


Leveraging Technology (4IR) Towards SD

• There are jobs that are directly connected to SDG areas, e.g. health, environment, education, poverty reduction • If unchecked, 4IR consequences likely to occur • Increased inequality, societal security compromised, greater polarisation, etc. • ICT is already acknowledged as a crucial contributor to realising SD • But SD/SDGs is/are not (always) guiding how technology is evolving and is being used • 4IR tends to be in the driver’s seat, not SD


How Jobs and Skills Can Drive SD

• It is not the job that drives SD, but the thinking/intentions behind the job • Countries and organisations must be intentional about SD • They must be SD-focussed • SD must be integrated into all ecosystems and processes • SD must be a key pillar of every organisational strategy and culture • SD must be baked into job descriptions, performance appraisals, incentives, etc. • SD will then be managing technology/4IR for the betterment of society



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