2020 Annual Economic and Financial Review
2020 Annual Economic and Financial Review
Consequently, risks are firmly tilted to the downside and include: The pervasive negative impacts of the volcanic eruption on the real sector. Lower revenue collections consistent with an economy struggling to recover. Increased government expenditure related to health and disaster management on three fronts: the eruption of the La Soufriere Volcano, the COVID-19 pandemic and a persistent Dengue Fever outbreak. Expenditure pressures will be further compounded by rehabilitation and
reconstruction damaged infrastructure, government initiated hotel construction, port development and road works. The perennial threat of damage from an active hurricane season. On the upside, due to the present structure of the economy, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines weathered the pandemic infused global economic downturn better than its more tourism-dependent regional counterparts. Any inflows of grants /aid are likely to expedite the recovery process. of
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